Friday, September 6, 2013

TGIF . . . math toys

This week I love homeschooling because math manipulatives make the best toys.

I admit it: I am a math manipulative junkie.  Months ago when our box arrived packed to the brim with RightStart's math program, I spent hours pouring over all the fun "math toys" which now have a home on our shelves.  And we use these tools during our math lessons.  I can't remember a day over the last 6 months when we have not used some of our manipulatives during math time.

But the greatest use of our math manipulatives does NOT come from our curriculum.  The kids are constantly wanting to play with our math tools, outside of school time; they are quite simply the most interesting toys in our house.  When other children (and often even adults) come over, the first thing that interests them is our math balance (it sits on top of the shelves that hold the rest of our school supplies); then they notice the abacus, geoboards, clock, tanagrams, cubes, etc.  I am now never at a loss to figure out what my kiddoes would enjoy for birthdays, holidays, and so forth.  A tool to help them learn always holds their interest better than the latest toy craze.

The items we have purchased to enrich our homeschool are utilized both during and outside of school time.  They enrich our lives on the whole, which has been a real blessing.

--Little Miss Crazy

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