Friday, June 7, 2013

TGIF . . . technology

This week I love homeschooling because it gives me an excuse to play with awesome technology!  (Yes, I do have some COMPLETELY selfish reasons for being thankful to homeschool, and this is the one at the top of my list these days.)

Our television broke a few weeks ago, and while Mr. Crazy and I were discussing options, we came around to the idea of buying a projector.  Now, we started talking about getting a projector about eight years ago; at the time, they were pretty expensive, and we didn't have any particular need, so the idea got shelved.  Since then, we've never really been in the market for one, but the idea has always lingered.  Replacing our primary screen with a projector was a great choice for us.  We saved money; it weighs a fraction of our last tv; and we can use it for so much more.

To make this purchase even more worthwhile in terms of school uses, we originally planned to purchase a good-sized whiteboard (or whiteboard paint for the wall) to project onto so I would be able to write on projected maps, pages, etc.  Instead, Mr. Crazy found some technology where I can use a special infrared pen to write directly onto the computer images we project. He made the pen, we got the software, and it works like a DREAM.

When we use a map in history, I bring it up on the projector so I can point out specific areas to everyone.  When we are using a web resource (such as an online video or informative website), I bring it up on the projector and circle worthwhile points or make notes.  When I'm teaching the boys a new handwriting stroke or letter, I use the projector and write it right on my wall (and erase it with the click of a button).

I would certainly have the opportunity to use technology like this without homeschooling, but it would primarily be a toy or something that quickly lost interest.  Now I have the satisfaction of knowing that this fun tech is also entirely functional for school, so we will use it a great deal.

--Little Miss Crazy

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