Friday, February 1, 2013

Hello Out There

The way I see it, everything requires a good introduction, so I'm going to try to make one for my new endeavour into the world of blogging.  I must tell you, I don't know what to expect.  For the longest time, I thought blogs were the new online journal, only without high privacy settings. After extensive research (ie reading a LOT of blogs) I have learned a thing or two, and I finally feel ready to try my hand at it.  I'm not proclaiming greatness-- far from it, but I want to create a little window into my world just in case there's anyone out there who'd like to take a peek.

We are in the middle of our first full year of homeschooling-- another new and confusing experience, and I have been hemming and hawing for months now about sharing our crazy little journey.  There are tons of homeschooling blogs out there, and they all contribute just a little different perspective on things.  I just know that somewhere there is another crazy soul like me who'd be interested in our perspective.

Here's when we officially started.  I am probably still in the honeymoon phase of things, but I must say that I wish we had started homeschooling sooner.  It is amazing and fulfilling, and I love being able to share so much with my kiddoes.  It also makes it easier for my family to live our life the way we envision it.  Mr Crazy (that's the name I decided on for my darling husband) travels a LOT for work.  He's generally gone for a month or so at a time, so when he is home, we try to have as much family time as possible.  We also have family on the East Coast, so when we take a trip out to visit, we like to stay for a long time (minimum is 3 weeks).  Now we can just pack up school and take it with us. I think this has been the best choice for our family.


I get notes like this pretty often . . . and that tells me everything I need to know.

--Little Miss Crazy

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