Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Resolutions and Plans for the New Year

Happy Happy Happy New Year out there in cyberland.  Speaking of the new year, I restarted an old tradition this year.  I haven't bothered even thinking about New years resolutions for a number of years, but this year I had to make a whole list of them.  Number one was not ditching my blog for two months at a time.  ::Sigh::  I am a bad blogger.  But I am hoping to be a better blogger in 2014.  And since the only people who read this know me personally, I know you'll forgive me and keep reading. :)  I love you guys.

Speaking of New Years resolutions, I also sat down with the kiddoes to celebrate on New Years Day (I only made it to about 10pm on New Years Eve, and the kiddoes had a regular bedtime.)  We toasted 2014 with sparkling grape juice, and I helped them come up with some resolutions of their own.  I wrote them all down, so at the end of the year, we're going to look back and see if we made any progress.

After the first few examples and ideas, the kiddoes all resolved to improve their cooking (once one of them got the idea, they all thought it was a good one).  They also each made one resolution about something school related.  My favorite resolution of the year was Athena's: she resolved to learn to hold goblets better (because we drank our sparking grape juice out of glass goblets).  It makes me laugh so much just to think about how seriously she felt about her goblet-holding skills.

After they got stumped on the resolutions idea, I decided to make another list; I asked the kiddoes what fun things they thought we should do over the coming year.  They had some very good ideas for THIS list.  Athena requested that we do more science, which I love hearing.  Goblin wished we could go visit our far away family members (which is definitely being planned, although we still don't know quite when).  Hulk had a fantastic idea that had never crossed my mind.  He thought we should make our own board game.

Ticket to Ride: easy enough for kids, still fun for adults
We play a LOT of games, especially board games.  I think they're great for encouraging critical thinking in the kiddoes, and Mr. Crazy and I both LOVE games.  As a matter of fact, we had some friends over to ring in the New Year playing board games, card games, dice games, and computer games.  But the idea of making a game that's all our own really blew my mind.  It definitely jumped to the head of my things-to-do-in-2014 list.

--Little Miss Crazy

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