Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Greek gods

My kiddoes fell in LOVE with Greek mythology.  I can't blame them; I fell in love with it when I was in school too.  And am still in love with it to this day.  I named our ferrets Scylla and Charybdis (and if you get the reference, I will give you a cookie and explain the significance in my life).  The kiddoes listened to myths every day for about a month, then we did a read-aloud of Black Ships Before Troy  by Rosemary Sutcliff (a retelling of Homer's Illiad, which had some pretty gruesome battle scenes, but was still an excellent read).  In addition to our regular historical survey of ancient Greece.

So when it came time to decide on Halloween costumes, they all agreed to dress as a group . . . to dress up as some of the Greek gods and goddesses.  I could not have been more proud of them.  This wound up as one of their major projects during our study of ancient Greece: they helped come up with a lot with ideas and put the details of their costumes together.

Hulk went as Zeus; Goblin went as Poseidon; and Athena went as Persephone (I was really hoping for Athena, but she did not like the warrior aspect which really surprised me).

Zeus was carrying a lightning bolt and golden arm cuffs along with his golden mask with a mini-crown in the front to show that he was the King of Gods and Ruler of the Heavens.  Persephone was dressed in a typical white robe, but all of her details were dark to signify her part as the Queen of the Underworld.  (You can barely see them here, but she even had hair sticks in her hair which looked like a pair of dark horns.)  Poseidon carried his traditional trident and also wore a chain around his neck holding a stone to control the Kraken (Goblin was very proud of his Kraken stone-- he wouldn't stop playing with it-- even for pictures.)

The kiddoes learned a lot from the mythology of the ancient Greeks, and they were even inspired to more role play like this on their own.  Inspiration is my favorite holiday treat.

--Little Miss Crazy

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