Friday, July 12, 2013

TGIF . . . exploring the world

This week I love homeschooling because it forces us all to see how much there is in the world to explore and learn.

Too often, people disregard the interesting and quite educational opportunities and experiences in our lives.

When I was young, I was fascinated by our visits to the planetarium.  I loved stargazing at night (still do) and wondering about the universe unfolding far over my head.  However, I never was driven to find out any more on the topic than what was readily available.  Like a diligent public school student, I waited for someone to give me more information about this awe-inspiring subject matter.  I didn't get more than a brief overview of the heavens until I had the chance to take an astronomy class in high school.

When my children find subjects like this that are fascinating to them, I want them to know that they should and are quite capable of finding out as much information on their chosen subject as they would like to know.  To that end, when we read a book or visit a museum or see an interesting caterpillar in our yard, I find out if my children want to learn more.  If they do, I help them find more information AND (more importantly) I encourage them to find more information on their own.  The most important lesson I can teach them is how to learn and not to let anything stop them.

--Little Miss Crazy

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