Monday, June 24, 2013

(belated) TGIF . . . unscheduled time off

I love homeschooling because it allows us to take time off when it suits us, scheduled or not.  (This post was not written last week because we have been in destruction and construction mode!)

At the beginning of the week, Mr. Crazy and I realized we finally had enough extra in the budget to get to work on our big project for the summer: rebuilding the basement walls that were ruined.  So last week was spent cutting down walls, putting up new walls, taping, mudding, sanding, painting, and a little fun decorating at the end.  I am so glad we did this ourselves; things are not perfect, but it just feels so good to complete a big project and get that sense of accomplishment.  And the kiddoes all finally have their own rooms, which has made the household a LOT less tight.  We still have some work to do, but the bulk of it is finished, and I am loving the results.  (The kids each got to pick the color for their room-- they all picked pastels, or salt-water-taffy colors, as I call them.)



A little flexibility in our schedule goes a LONG way during days like these, and I feel so blessed to be able to jump on an opportunity like the one that landed in our lap last week.

--Little Miss Crazy

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