Friday, May 24, 2013

TGIF . . . sick days

This week I love homeschooling because we always have time to cuddle on a sick day.

Goblin zoning out when I took a picture of him watching movies on the laptop in bed.

Goblin woke up not feeling well on Tuesday.  It had mostly passed by lunchtime, but we still had a lazy day cuddling and watching movies.  Could the other children have had a normal school day? Absolutely.  Could Goblin have gotten back to his schoolwork once he was feeling better? Certainly.  Was it nice to have a day in the midst of a rainy, gloomy week to simply relax and take in some goofy video entertainment? I can't even express how nice.

We don't keep a particularly gruelling schedule, but I do get caught up in the cycle of getting things done and getting things planned out until the free time all disappears from the week (at least for me).  Having a restful day in the middle of the week, regardless of the reasons, can be a much needed relief, especially when the weekends have been filled with obligations.  As much as I hate to know any of my kiddoes are not feeling well, it does force me to sit back and relax, which is often exactly what we all need.

--Little Miss Crazy

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